Tuesday 8 March 2016

How to get rid of hangnails?

Hangnails can be one of the rare problems found among many individuals in the society. It is also an irritating problem that scraps your loved one with no reason. This will also cause pain and itching for you. It is also important to know the root cause of this problem. If your skin does not receive enough oil and gets exposed to water repeatedly, there can be a problem of hangnails. The skins that do not receive natural oil will easily become dead and dry. Wider exposure to water due to washing of dishes can give rise to this problem. You can now think of some home remedies that can remove the layer of dead skin. An effective seal in moisture can be eradicated by some home remedies.

Best home remedies to cure hangnails

Almond mask

You must have read about effectiveness of Almond in many health and beauty magazines. You can now get a wonderful remedy of hangnails. You have to grind almond to pieces to get a fine consistency. Now add some milk to soften the grinded almond. Now break an egg and include the egg yolk in the content. Now mix the ingredients really well to form a wonderful mixture. Now apply the mixture in both your hands along with your nails.

Massage with warm oil

There are many oils available at your home. Some of the oils include Almond oil, olive oil, lavender oil etc. In order to get relaxed from the problem of hanged nails, it is essential to make a mixture of 1 and ½ OZ of olive oil/ almond oil. Now, you must add 25 drops of skin healing essential oil. Some of the best choices include benzoin, chamomile and lavender. It will be more effective if you can add a piece of Vitamin A capsule in it. Now head this content and massage the same in your hand and hanged nails. You must store the content in a bottle and use it easily every day before going to bath.


If you have vegetable shortenings, this will also work effectively in curing your hanged nails. This helps in making the hanged nails very soft and places it in order.  Since this vegetable shortening include solid fat, it is very effective in moisturizing skin layers. This is also very effective in keeping water sealed inside. But, you should remember not to shatter it too much which can make your hands and nails too much greasy. Just a thin layer of the vegetable shortening will be effective.


Many people keep on having the oatmeal to keep their body fit and slim. But, this is also quite effective in making your hanged nails in order. To prepare the scrub, you have to take 1 cup of oats that too old fashioned and rolled variety in a blender. Now you can add the powdered oats in a bowl. Now, you must rub it on your hands and between the finger nails. You can wash it away after sometime and apply a moisturizer.

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