Saturday 19 March 2016

Honey Diet and Why you must be on it Starting Today

For several years, honey had been and continues to be a popular part of Indian and western delicacies. Apart from being a taste enhancer and a natural substitute for sugar, it is also an important medical remedy for everyday quirks and glitches related to health.

All the pleasant facets of honey can be enjoyed through a spoonful of it on your plate. But, how do you convince yourself to have it every day?  Take refuge in a honey diet!
Honey diet

What is it?

The honey diet was founded by Mike McInnes, when he discovered that athletes who consumed foods rich in fructose such as honey burnt a lot of fat and thereby, increased their level of stamina. When honey is consumed, it acts as a fuel to stimulate the liver for glucose production. The glucose thus produced then keeps the level of the brain’s sugar levels high, forcing it to release fat-burning hormones.

Honey diet prescribes consumption of a teaspoonful of honey every morning and night. You could choose your style of consuming it the way you please.  Most people tend to down a simple combination of hot water, lemon and one or even two teaspoonfuls of honey. Along with this practice, the honey diet requires you to:

•    Replace all the sugar in your diet with honey
•    Swap refined carbs for complex carbs
•    Eat zero grains one day a week
•    Eat an unlimited supply of vegetables.

honey diet benefits

How it Works

According to a recent research, honey diet can help you drop a dress size in just about three weeks! So, if weight loss is on your priority list, here is how a honey diet will work for you.

 just before going to bed helps the boy to burn more fat during the first few hours into sleep. And, when sugar from diet is completely replaced by honey, you help the brain to rebalance those signals that compel you to eat more sweet.
Honey diet and things to keep in mind

Things to Keep in Mind when on a Honey Diet

Skip the junk:Junk foods are processed foods that are dense with lots of empty calories. If you wish to fully benefit from honey diet, cut junk food out of your diet completely.

Include proteins:Consuming proteins-lean-will help you to keep full and avoid rise in blood sugar levels and thus, lead to cravings.
Opt for unrefined carbohydrates: refined white flour and white rice can lead to an increase in the blood sugar levels. So, prefer including wholemeal flour; they are also good for digestion and will keep you feeling full for long.

Avoid potatoes:This root vegetable is bad for health as it can cause a significant rise in insulin levels. When you are on a honey diet, make sure you proscribe potatoes completely.

Be fruit-choosy:Fruits turn out to be a convenient option for people willing to lose weight, but you must not forget that they are high in sugar and fructose and therefore, consuming them can hamper your honey diet. Opt for low-carb fruits instead.

Other benefits of a Honey Diet

Keeps skin healthy and glowing:Honey is a natural cleanser and exfoliator that brings radiance and glow to the face. Besides, it is a great ingredient for wrinkle-free skin.
honey for skin

It fights anemia:Honey has been said to improve the count of red blood cells; these cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to different parts of the body. When honey mixed in tepid water is drunk, it raises the level of haemoglobin in the blood, thus taking care of anemic conditions, such as iron deficiency anemia. It is important to buy honey that is naturally made without any addition of preservatives, additives such as sugar and coloring agents and extensive processing. One such honey product that is sourced from the finest locations is .

Even diabetics can follow a honey diet:It is not wrong to say that honey in itself has simple sugars, but it is quite different from white sugar because the latter is 30 percent glucose, 40 percent fructose and 20 percent other complex forms of sugar. Honey also includes a starchy fiber called dextrin, which in combination regulates the blood sugar levels inside the body. Clearly, Dabur honey makes a great add-on to your everyday diet, especially if you are health conscious.

It is an energy food:One of the most important benefits of Dabur honey diet is its energy-boosting properties. It contains different kinds of sugar molecules such as glucose and fructose. Moreover, glucose is an instant energy source.
honey as an energy booster

The United States National Honey Board recommends that one consume honey because it contains a lot of vitamins as well as minerals in small amounts. Some of these minerals nutrients include riboflavin, niacin, calcium, pantothenic acid, iron, copper, phosphorus, manganese, zinc and potassium.

It combats infections:Honey has antibacterial and antiseptic properties that stimulate production of antibodies to fight microbial activities. A lot of studies have used honey for the treatment of wounds. A study had used therapeutic honey that had gone through a special purification process to put on wounds. It was found that the honey destroyed all strains of bacteria from the wound.

It improves digestion:If you frequently suffer from bowel problems, begin the honey diet today! Some of the digestive diseases that it helps to fight include constipation, gas, bloating, etc. It is also rich in probiotic or good bacteria that aid in the digestion process and promote good immune health, thereby reducing allergies.

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