Saturday 5 March 2016

6 Weeks Pregnant Can't Sleep

You have just found out that you are expecting a baby and the euphoria that comes with it is blissful, to say the least. You are preoccupied with the lifelong changes that come with having an addition to the family and start dreaming of decorating a nursery. However, not all moms-to-be are lucky enough to dream whenever they want to. In fact, many women complain of insomnia during pregnancy.
Even women who are 6 weeks pregnant can't sleep. However, it is not that sleep totally eludes them. There is an overall sense of exhaustion that accompanies conceiving a baby and it can strike at any time. Insomnia can strike moms who are 9 weeks pregnant as much as moms who are farther along.
Some women are so exhausted that they seem to be in a drug-induced state. If you hear a woman complaining about 9 weeks pregnant can't sleep at night or insomnia 10 at weeks pregnant, be sympathetic. If a 6-week pregnant woman has passed out on her desk, it is beyond her control. It is likely that she is not getting a good night's sleep.

Possible Causes of 6 Weeks Pregnant Can't Sleep

If you are newly pregnant and cannot sleep, know that you are not alone. A poll conducted by the National Sleep Foundation indicates that 78 percent of pregnant women share the same plight. So why is it so difficult to doze off when you know you have sleepless nights ahead anyway. Sleep experts indicate the following three reasons that can lead to complaints that one cannot sleep starting at 6 weeks of pregnancy (or insomnia 10 weeks pregnant).

1. Hormonal Changes

The first trimester or the first twelve weeks of pregnancy are considered to be very crucial. There is significant hormonal activity in the body and the accompanying changes can throw off the body's natural balance. The inflow of hormones, especially progesterone can serve as a sedative. Progesterone can induce a sleep-like state in women, so much so that they have trouble keeping their eyes open. The accompanying lethargy and sense of exhaustion can cause women to pass out during the day. This upsets their overall sleep pattern and can cause insomnia at night.

2. Anxiety

If you are 9 weeks pregnant can't sleep at night, there could be emotional or psychological factors at play too. The joy of having a child can keep many a women awake at night. The changes in lifestyle, finances, and the list of things to do that every soon to be mom starts making can force sleep out of your system. The first trimester is also stressful because the risks of miscarriage are high. You can suffer from insomnia 10 weeks pregnant if health related fears for yourself and your baby plague your mind.
It always helps to talk to your partner. It is normal to have anxiety because pregnancy is a life-changing occurrence. It is also beneficial to have mom friends or women who are in a similar situation. It is advisable to consult your obstetrician if you have specific health related concerns.

3. Frequent Urination

When you have a baby growing inside you, the uterus will stretch itself. In the early stages, the uterus usually presses against the bladder, which simply means you will have the urge to use the bathroom more than you would normally. It also means your control over your bladder can likely diminish. Avoid drinking a lot of water at night or be ready to wake up at frequent intervals at night to urinate. The issue usually sorts itself out by the second trimester when the uterus starts pushing out of the pelvis, thereby eliminating some of the pressure from the squeezed bladder.

What to Do

If you are 6 weeks pregnant can't sleep at night or even further down in your pregnancy, and are suffering from pregnancy-induced insomnia, here is a list of helpful suggestions that can allay your sleep issues.

1. Room-Darkening Curtains

Is your room dark enough to ensure unperturbed sleep? If not, one option is to invest in room-darkening curtains so they block out all light. Alternatively, you can tape black garbage bags to your window using painters' tape. If your sleep is interfered by the lights, you can go ahead and invest in light blocking curtains.

2. Temperature

Invest in an indoor room thermometer. Sometimes the room we sleep in is too warm to enable undisturbed sleep. According to research, the ideal temperature for sleeping is 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit. A room thermometer will help you make the required changes to achieve this perfect temperature and this is especially helpful during hot flashes, an occurrence for many pregnant women.

3. White Noise

It is almost impossible to drown out all the noise that surrounds us. If it's not a car honking on the street outside, it could be the noise of your partner using the bathroom or even his snoring that can awaken you from your slumber. A white noise machine is essential if you want to sleep without any disturbance. You could also use a loud table fan to drown out the noise.

4. Downtime

Try to have a calming ritual at the end of each day. It gives your body the chance to relax and recharge from the busy onslaught of day-to-day activities. Try to indulge in non-stimulating activities. This could include reading, listening to soft music, a bath or writing down in a pregnancy journal.

5. Stick to a Bed Time

It is advisable to have a steady sleep pattern. Sometimes fatigue forces us to sleep during the day, which can disrupt night sleep. This can give rise to a vicious cycle where we are always restless. If you are 6 weeks pregnant cant sleep, it is time to cut back on errands and activities and prioritize your sleep pattern.

6. Sleep Position

The growing body can make it difficult to sleep in the position we were accustomed to. You can no longer sleep on your tummy. For women who complain of 6 weeks pregnant can't sleep, many sleep aids are available. A pregnancy pillow is a worthy investment if you have trouble sleeping. You could also position pillows in a way that aid sleep.

7. Post Baby Tip

If you can figure out a system to ensure that the first three hours of your sleep are uninterrupted, you are likely to have more energy during the day. Sleep experts conclude that the first three hours of sleep are the deepest and most recuperative. New moms will greatly benefit if they sleep well in those three hours.
Hopefully the aforementioned tips will allay your fears about lack of sleep in the first trimester and some helpful suggestions will enable you to sleep.

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