Tuesday 1 November 2016

12 Health Benefits of Lemons and Limes That You Probably Haven’t Heard of Yet

Lemons and limes belong to the citrus fruit family, known for their high levels of vitamin C content and other essential minerals. Regardless of their acidity and sour taste, these fruits do not acidify the human body but on the contrary, their consumption has an alkaline effect upon it. Citrus fruits’ rinds contain limonene, a compound known to be anti-carcinogenic and liver healthy. It is also used to promote weight loss and treat bronchitis.
Lemon and Lime’s Nutritional Benefits
These citrus fruits are rich in folate, potassium, vitamin C, B6, flavonoids, phytochemicals and limonene. D-Limonene is a compound known to be anti-carcinogenic and to help promote the production of those particular enzymes that have the ability to detoxify carcinogens.
Health Benefits
Lemons and limes contain excellent anticancer and antioxidant properties. In addition, they also contain a high content of antibiotics that are capable of combating against the bacteria present in the body. The following are just a few of lemon and lime’s numerous health benefits:
  1. Lemon and lime help you combat common cold:
Combine the juice of two lemons or limes with half a liter of warm water. Add raw honey to taste and consume before you go to bed at night. The anti-viral properties found in lemons and limes will help you to effectively fight against common cold symptoms as well as boost your body’s immune response to fight off the infection.
  1. Improve digestion:
The consumption of both lemons and limes can help you relieve indigestion, bloating and foul burping.
  1. Relieve constipation:
Relieve your constipation problems by consuming a mix of lime or lemon, a glass of warm water and a small amount of raw honey to add a better taste to this healthy drink. Consume this drink before breakfast, on an empty stomach, to get an instant relief from constipation. Besides constipation relief, your body will also receive an excellent detox.
  1. Reduce frequency of heartburn:
Reduce frequent heartburns by consuming a mixture of 2 teaspoons of either fresh lemon or lime juice and a glass of warm water.
  1. Combat inflammatory disorders:
Both lemon and lime juice are highly effective in the combat against inflammatory disorders like arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism among others. The consumption of these juices is also associated with a reduced risk of gout, due to lemon and lime’s ability to inhibit the uric acid buildup in the body’s tissues.
  1. Treat asthma:
If you have asthma, you can relieve its symptoms by taking a tablespoon of lemon juice an hour before each meal.
  1. Reduce swollen gums:
To relieve swollen gums, combine some freshly-squeezed lime juice (diluted) with a pinch of sea salt and consume the resulting mixture. Another thing you can try to relieve this issue is to rub a piece of the albedo of a lime or a lemon (the white flesh under the peel) on your gums. Thus you will reduce their swelling.
  1. Relieve sore throat:
Prepare a mixture of warm water and lemon juice (ration 1:1) and gargle with it to obtain an instant relief.
  1. Relieve burning heels and soles:
Take a slice of lemon or lime and rub it onto the affected area (sole, feet, heel) to relieve the pain or burning sensation. By doing this, you will also encourage the process of toxin elimination from the pores of your feet.
  1. Nourish skin:
Lime and lemon peel help to moisture skin. Therefore, by rubbing dry or scaly skin with a piece of lemon or lime peel, you will provide it with its much needed moisture and it will become soft and supple like never before.
  1. Relax your body and help you fall asleep fast:
Soak your feet in a solution of lemon or lime and warm water. Its fresh smell and its cooling and astringent effects will provide you with instant relaxation, making you fall asleep right away.
  1. Relieve cholera:
The regular consumption of a cup of lemon or lime juice will help you destroy the cholera bacilli virus. Drink the same amount of water as well. Lemon and lime’s anti-viral properties are highly effective when it comes to this virus and will help you eliminate it within a short period of time.
Extra Juicing Tips
To get the most of your lemon or lime juice, you should include the entire fruit together with its peel. We all know that the peel is the part where harmful ingredients are usually contained, so prior to juicing you should make sure that the fruit is properly washed. Also, try buying 100% organic fruits in order to avoid the consumption of pesticides and GMO lemons and limes.
Using the whole fruit when preparing your juice will surely provide you with all the health benefits the fruit has to offer. The compound we’ve mentioned above, known as limonene, is very high in the white part of the fruit, just under the peel, so by juicing the entire fruit you will get the most of it.
In addition, you can use lemon and lime juice to make ice cubes and add them to other drinks as well. The ice cubes prepared like this can stay refrigerated up to two weeks and after that period they will start losing their taste and potential benefits.
A useful tip when buying lemons, is to look at their stem ends. The number of lines radiating from the stem shows you how high is their mineral content. The greater this number is, the higher their mineral content.
You should always consume lemon or lime juice in moderation.
If you notice any allergic reactions to some of these fruits, stop consuming them immediately and consult your healthcare provider.

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