Wednesday 20 July 2016

Health Benefits of Tulsi and Basil Leaves

About Tulsi/Basil
Tulsi is the most famous herb of the India, belongs to the Lamiaceae family and known for its amazing and wonderful values all around the world. It was originated in the Indian Subcontinents and also called as the holy Basil and queen of the herbs. It is the most sacred aromatic plant found in India and worshipped by the Indian people in their daily life. It is planted by almost every Indian in their houses for the religious purposes. Sacred Tulsi leaves have been in use by the Indian people more than thousands of years.
It is found in many varieties and different parts like stem, leaves, roots, seeds are used for the therapeutic purposes. Tulsi plant having green leaves is known as the Rama/Shri/Lakshmi Tulsi whereas Tulsi plant with reddish/purple leaves is known as the Krishna/Shyama Tulsi.

Benefits of Tulsi/Basil

Tulsi leaves and seeds are used for many years in curing variety of seasonal problems and serious health disorders like cough, cold, malaria, inflammation, problems of heart, kidney, liver and etc. it is naturally loaded with lots of nutritional such as antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and etc. It has strong ability to promote longevity. Some of its really believable nutritional health benefits are mentioned below:

Benefits of Tulsi Leaves

Prevents from Common Infections
  • It prevents from the common infections caused by the bacteria, fungus, and virus because of its anti-bacterial, fungicidal and germicidal properties.
Reduces Fever
  • It helps in reducing the body temperature means fever to its normal level during any infection if boiled Tulsi water with cardamom is taken two to three times a day.
Benefits of Tulsi Leaves for Diabetes
Releases Insulin under Control
  • Holy basil leaves contain antioxidants and essential oils (eugenol, caryophyllene, methyl eugenol and etc) which helps beta cells of the pancreas to release insulin under control and function properly.
Lowers Blood Sugar Level
  • It helps in lowering down the blood sugar level and keeps diabetes symptoms under control. It prevents from the oxidative stress thus increase longevity.
Benefits of Tulsi Leaves for Heart
Maintains Cholesterol Level
  • It contains a powerful anti-oxidant compound (eugenol) which helps in maintaining the blood cholesterol level and blood pressure thus lowers the risk of heart disorders.
Prevents from Heart Illness
  • It is very beneficial to chew some Tulsi leaves in the early morning with empty stomach on daily basis to get prevented from the heart illnesses.
Benefits of Tulsi Leaves for Mind Relief
Reduces Stress Level
  • It helps in lowering down the body and mind stress level by normalizing the level of stress hormone called cortisol.
Improves Blood Flow
  • It contains some anti-stress agents which have soothing effects on the nerves, fights with harmful free radicals and regulates the proper flow of blood throughout the body.
Sharpens Memory
  • It acts as a natural nerve tonic and memory sharper home remedy if five tulsi leaves are taken with water in the morning.
Benefits of Tulsi Leaves for Kidney
Dissolves Kidney Stones
  • It helps in dissolving out the kidney stones by reducing the blood uric acid level because of its diuretic and detoxifying property.
Removes Body Toxin
  • It helps in cleansing kidneys by flushing out all the body toxins through kidney. Taking the mixture of honey and Tulsi leaves juice on daily basis helps a lot.
Benefits of Tulsi Leaves for Cancer
Prevents from Cancer
  • It helps in treating various type of body cancer by inhibiting the growth of tumour cells because of its strong anti-carcinogenic and anti-oxidant properties.
  • It reduces the risk of cancer among people eating basil leaves regularly.
Benefits of Tulsi Leaves for Skin and Hair
Improves Health of Hair and Skin
  • Its powerful antioxidant and purifying nature makes skin and hair health, strong and smooth.
Purifies Blood
  • It is a famous blood purifier gives skin and hair an amazing glowing look.
Clears Skin
  • It removes all the black spots, acne and blemishes from the skin and prevents from further problems due to its anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties.
Provides Relief from Skin Problems
  • It also provides relief from other skin problems like itchiness, leucoderma including hair fall if paste of Tulsi leaves is applied directly as a pack or drinking it juice.
Lightens Skin Tone
  • Applying the paste of besan and Tulsi leaves on the face helps in removing scar marks, acne and lightens out the skin tone.
Relieves Skin Inflammation
  • Applying the paste of Tulsi leaves, sandalwood and rose water on the face helps in preventing skin inflammation and makes skin younger, smooth and fresh.
Makes Hair Smooth and Shiny
  • It makes hair smooth, shiny and itch free if the mixture of Tulsi leaves, neem leaves and hibiscus leaves is applied to the hair.
Prevents from Ageing
  • Its anti-ageing property makes it capable to prevent body from the age related damages caused by the free radicals.
Removes Wrinkles
  • It helps in delaying the aging processes such as fine lines on the skin, appearance of wrinkles and etc.
Prevents Hair Greying
  • It prevents hair from getting grey if hair is washed with Tulsi leaves and amla powder (soaked for whole night) water.
Benefits of Tulsi Leaves for Respiratory System
Provides Relief from Respiratory Disorders
  • It provides relief from various respiratory problems (cold, cough, influenza, flu, bronchitis, asthma and etc) as well as prevents in future from serious respiratory disorders if it is consumed regularly.
Boosts Body Immunity
  • It enhances the body immunity system, suppresses cough release, relieve chest by expelling more phlegm from the chest.
Relieves Pain and Inflammation
  • It helps in relieving the pain and inflammations caused by the sore throat if boiled basil leaves water is taken regularly.
Benefits of Tulsi Leaves for Kids
Treats Common Cold
  • It also helps in treating kids problems like common cold, diarrhea, fever, vomiting and etc.
Keeps Away from Chicken Pox
  • It keeps children away from the chicken pox if few basil leaves with honey is given.
Treats Worms Problem
  • It helps in treating the stomach and intestinal worms problem among kids.
Other Benefits of Tulsi Leaves
Cures Damages of Smoking
  • It helps in quitting the smoking habits as well as curing all the damages caused by the smoking.
Relieves Headache
  • It provides instant relief from the headache caused by infections like sinusitis, allergic reactions, seasonal problems, migraine and etc.
Treats Insect Bites and Bad Breath Problems
  • It is a good home remedy to treat insect bites and bad breath problems.
Natural Tooth Paste
  • Powdered basil leaves are used to brush teeth to get relief from the teeth disorders such as bad breath, gingivitis, pyorrhea and etc.
Treats Eye Disorders
  • It helps in treating eye disorders like sore eyes, night-blindness, itching and etc if black basil leaves juice is used as an eye drop during bedtime.
Treats Stomach Problems
  • It helps in treating common stomach problems including constipation, vomiting, appetite problem, flatulence, bloating, acidity and etc.
Relieves Tooth Pain
  • Applying paste of some tulsi leaves and black pepper to the teeth helps in relieving tooth pain.
Benefits of Tulsi Roots during Pregnancy
Eases Labour Pain
  • It helps pregnant women by reducing the labour pain and ease delivery if Tulsi root is tied at back of the pregnant women.

Benefits of Tulsi Oil

Natural Insects Repellent
  • It helps in keeping mosquitoes and other harmful insects away if Tulsi oil is applied on the body.
Provides Relief from Mental Problems
  • Basil seed oil has hypo-tensive property and helps in relieving the mental weakness, release nervous tension, depression and other disorders.
Relieves Lice Problem
  • Applying it to the scalp helps in getting relief from the lice problem as well as lightens the color if applied to the face.

Benefits of Tulsi Tea

Improves Oxygenated Blood Flow
  • Basil leaves contain lots of vitamins and minerals like B, A, E, K, C, manganese, calcium, iron, zinc, dietary fibers, magnesium, potassium, folates, chlorophyll and phytonutrients thus it helps in nourishing the body very deeply if basil tea is taken regularly. Dried leaves of the Tulsi are also used to make tea. It is rich in iron and low in calories, enhances oxygenated blood flow all through the body.

Benefits of Tulsi Seeds

Reduces Inflammation
  • It is anti-inflammatory in nature reduces inflammation caused by many problems like arthritis, joints pain and etc.
Maintains Functioning of various Body Systems
  • It helps in maintaining the functioning of blood circulation system, cardio vascular system, digestive system, immune system and other body systems.
Treats Problems of Genito-Urinary System
  • It helps in treating the problems of genito-urinary system such as bladder infection, vaginal infection and gonorrhea.
Regulates Blood Sugar Level
  • It helps in slowing down the metabolism and absorption of the carbohydrate in the intestine thus regulates the blood sugar level.
Fastens Wound Healing
  • Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory property fastens the wound healing and prevents from further skin infections.
Treats Hyper-Acidity Problem
  • It helps in managing the normal cholesterol level and treating the hyper-acidity problems like heartburn, gastro-esophageal reflex disorder and etc.
Reduces Effect of Snake Poison
  • It acts as a natural antidote for the snake poison.
Improves Memory Level
  • Omega-3 fatty acids found in the basil seed helps in improving the memory level and brain power.

Benefits of Tulsi Mala

Prevents from Negative Effects
  • It is considered in India that wearing Tulsi mala in the neck prevents from the negative effects due to the divine properties.
Keeps Mind Peaceful
  • It keeps mind very calm and peaceful.
Nutritional Benefits of Tulsi/Basil Leaves per 100 g
(Source: USDA Nutrient database)
Energy: 23 Kcal
Carbohydrate: 2.65 g
Protein: 3.15 g
Fat: 0.64 g
Dietary Fibers: 1.60 g
Thiamin: 0.034 mg
Riboflavin: 0.076 mg
Niacin: 0.902 mg
Pantothenic acid: 0.209 mg
Pyridoxine: 0.155 mg
Folates: 68 µg
Vitamin A: 5275 IU
Vitamin E: 0.80 mg
Vitamin C: 18 mg
Vitamin K: 414.8 µg
Sodium: 4 mg
Potassium: 295 mg
Calcium: 177 mg
Copper: 385 mg
Manganese: 1.15 mg
Magnesium: 64 mg
Iron: 3.17 mg
Zinc: 0.81 mg
Beta-carotene: 3142 µg
Beta-crypto-xanthin: 46 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin: 5650 µg
How to Enjoy
Almost each part of the Tulsi plant is useful and beneficial for the human health. It can be enjoyed as fresh leaves, dried leaves, powdered leaves, stem, roots, seeds and etc. Tulsi leaves can be enjoyed by making green Tulsi tea, fresh leaves juice, dried powdered form, added to the salad, soup and etc.
How to Select and Store
Any variety of the Tulsi plant can be planted at home in the small vase to get fresh leaves easily on daily basis. Choosing fresh and organic basil leaves are good instead of dried one as they are in high quality, flavor and more beneficial. However, in the absence of fresh leaves, dried leaves can be used but less beneficial as they have low level of vitamin C, carotene and etc. Tulsi leaves can be stored fresh for some days in the refrigerator and dried leaves can be stored for months in the air tight container at dry, cool and dark place.
Disadvantages, Side Effects and Precautions
It has some disadvantages and side effects which needs some careful precautions while using:
  • It should be avoided taking inappropriately as it may lead to some serious health problems.
  • It is taken very carefully by the diabetic person as it may highly slow down the glucose level which causes weakness and affect brain functionality.
  • It is generally avoided during pregnancy and breast feeding.
  • Its anticoagulant (blood thinning) property may affect people taking medication for heart problems, inadequate blood flow and etc.
  • It may enhance the chromium level in the body which is toxic.
  • It should be avoided some days earlier and after to any surgery to avoid risk of more bleeding.
How Much Tulsi to Eat a Day
Tulsi leaves are very famous in India not only from the religious points of view but from the therapeutic points of view as well. It makes atmosphere very clear by hindering the growth of harmful insects in the nearby areas. It is considered that people taking four to five basil leaves daily gets free from many health problems. However, its high dose should be avoided and need to consult a doctor immediately if any problem occurs.

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