Friday 17 April 2015

Find fabulous gifts on the festival of the skin

Pleasant atmosphere of the festival, happy and is Urgapuarn. Children, old, young, women, men, all are in the mood to celebrate by wearing new clothes and exchange gifts with each other, bound together with live worship do.

Always sitting in the corner of their minds because of which it seems to be gazing of their festival.

Yes! If your skin is not shining or it is callousness will persecute you also always the fear that it was a reduction in your beauty, not values ​​are calculated. This will lessen your Atmbiswas. While the fabulous four moon will put your beauty skin. So if you glow in the skin of domestic measures to achieve the shortest possible time, so please follow the steps below.

Domestic use

To clean your skin regularly oats, oats in the English say, make a slurry mixed with milk or yogurt and rub it on your face. After about 10 minutes, rinse it and dry it with a soft towels please.
Whose skin is dry milk or yogurt, and almond powder mixed with glycerin and honey should be applied. Moiscraijhr almonds and honey are excellent.
Take advantage of seasonal fruits. Narngiya are gentle bleaching agent and Strabarry keep skin oil control.
This shrink and tighten skin pores will open. And finer facial hair will disappear.

Professional Treatment

If you want to seek the assistance of an expert to refine the form, you can do that, too.
Nowadays many spas in the four moon to find your beauty and natural materials such as 24 carat gold consumed the milk, lemon and chocolate or roses use.
The new sparkling beauty of your skin to maintain, you should use sunscreen. Keep your skin moist, so making long-term effects of beauty treatments.
To create beautiful and gentle whole body turmeric, sandalwood powder and milk mixture making good on a stool and let your whole body wrap with a towel after a shower and take approximately one hour.

This body wrap not only provides your skin tone, but also clears the pores. After this you make guava pulp and yogurt mixture to shit on your face and rinse after a while. This turmeric stains left on your face will disappear. Or by making a slurry of carrot pulp and yogurt to shit all over the body. It also uncovered traces of turmeric on your body will be erased.

गर्भधारण से पहले जानें इन सवालों के जवाब

Answer those questions largely in today's world can be known through the Internet. If however you receive from your doctor would be better to let them find answers to some questions.

Meet your doctor to answer questions related to pregnancy, your doctor will ask you a few things there. How many years of your marriage, you have to family planning measures adopted or adopted what had happened, or you're not first conceive And so many more questions such.

Your doctor may ask you whether you've had a miscarriage before. If it is, what causes it. And it is right to ask Savage organizations from healthy pregnancies. As a young man several times before the marriage due to an affair and gets pregnant in the abortion is necessary. If your doctor tell if such an incident is necessary.

Your doctor told you that you also would like to ask if someone is going to treat the disease. So if you're going to treat any disease, illness and medicines to be taken to their doctor must give the information.

People who have neurological diseases being treated becomes difficult for them to conceive successfully. So after knowing about this, your doctor can advise you what you do right. In many cases, doctors recommend closing some medicines or other medicines have their turn. If you to or the brain tumor apoplectically medical condition such as or the are a disease of the Fits their medicines in the having difficulty childbearing if. Besides, in many cases have to be careful. So it must give the information to your doctor.

अगर आप गर्भ निरोधक गोलियों का सेवन करती आई हैं तो आप डॉक्टर से यह पूछ सकती हैं कि अगर गर्भ धारण करनी हो तो कितने दिनों पहले गर्भ निरोधक गोलियों का सेवन करना बंद करना होगा।
You should also ask your current weight right or need to make it more or less.
You can also ask your doctor whether there are some special exercise needs are more likely to lead to pregnancy.
If you want to conceive at the age of that age what are the risks and what precautions should be taken, etc. can also ask your doctor.
O If you already have a child then you should ask how much is appropriate for the present conception of the second child.
आपको गर्भधारण के लिए क्या खाना पीना चाहिए, कितनी नींद लेनी चाहिए एवं किस पोज में सहवास करने से गर्भधारण के चांसेस ज्यादा होते हैं इन सब बातों पर अपने डॉक्टर से जानकारी लेनी चाहिए ताकि आप आसानी से गर्भधारण कर सकें तथा आपका बच्चा स्वस्थ पैदा हो साथ Such activity at the time of delivery to you or your child have no problem.

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