Tuesday 31 March 2015

What Foods To Eat And What Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful phase for you and your family. The moment there is pregnancy news in the family, lot of preparations start. Both you and your family starts thinking whether a baby girl or a baby boy will be born, how the baby will look, the colour of the baby’s eyes, hair, skin, so many questions start coming in their mind. And then you have all the elderly members of your family who come forward with their expert advice of what to eat and what to avoid. Whatever you are eating in this prolonged period of nine months is not only to satisfy your hunger but also for the physical and mental development of the baby.
Today we’ll give you some suggestions on healthy food to eat while pregnant that you should follow for your health and your unborn baby’s development too.


1. Dairy products:

Dairy products are first on the list of food to eat during pregnancy! As calcium intake is a must during pregnancy. Include low-fat or skimmed milk, paneer, yogurt, lassi or buttermilk. These are not only rich in calcium but also in Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. Milk is also considered to improve digestion and appetite in pregnant women. However if you have issues with milk-based products, consult your doctor about how you would replace dairy products for enough calcium intake. Calcium is necessary when you are pregnant as it helps in the bone and teeth development of your little one. Drink 2-3 glasses of milk each day.

2. Cereals and whole-grains:

Cereals and grains are a wholesome diet for consuming a good amount of fiber. Brown breads, rotis made out of a combination of a variety of grains and rice are good for your health as they prevent constipation and hemorrhoids. Not only that cereals and whole grains are also rich in iron, magnesium, folic acid and Vitamin B1 and B2. These nutrients are very essential for your baby’s development and in building up the placenta. Whole grains also boost energy to pregnant women. Brown rice, wheat cereals or oatmeal, noodles made from wheat are good options.

3. Fruits and vegetables:Pregnant ladies should include atleast six servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Plan your meals accordingly. Fruits and veggies are very rich in all vitamins minerals and fibers. Not only that they are also a good source of Vitamin C which is good for both you and your baby. Vitamin C strengthens gums and tissues, helps in healing wounds fast and also helps in absorbing iron.Have enough of berries, oranges, apples, melons, strawberry, papaya, green leafy vegetables, broccoli and cabbage. During your meals, keep a plate of green salad.Eating a variety of colorful fruits during pregnancy ensures that the growing baby gets all the essential antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Green leafy vegetables like Swiss chard, kale and spinach are an excellent source of folate, minerals and Vitamins C, K and A.4. Proteins:Include enough proteins in your diet. Have lean meat (excluding liver), fish, eggs, beans and sprouts. Have fish 2-3 three times a week. Include sea fish like sardines and tuna in your diet. These fish are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are one of those healthy fats. It has been found that omega-3 fats are needed for brain and eye development of your unborn child.Omega-3 fats are responsible for a faster development of your child’s brain. Other than that omega-3 fats also prevent the chances of asthma and allergies at a later age.Always be careful to cook eggs, fish and meat properly before eating. Cook eggs in such a way that both the white portion and yolk becomes hard. Only then it is properly cooked. Uncooked or semi-cooked foods may contain bacteria which may result in food poisoning. It may also poison your baby’s blood.5. Beans and pulsesBeans and pulses are a must have when it comes to healthy pregnancy diet. They are rich in proteins and fibers and also some essential nutrients like zinc, iron, folate and calcium. Add beans and sprouts to your salads, soups or noodles and pasta. Kidney beans, soya beans, lobia, all pulses are really good for you and your baby’s health.
6. Nuts and seeds:Nuts and seeds being rich in fatty acids, vitamins and minerals are a must in your diet. Whenever you feel hungry in between meals, have a fistful of almonds, cashew, walnuts or pistachios. Nuts are as good source of Vitamin E and all Vitamin Bs. Other than that they are stuffed with some excellent minerals like iron, magnesium, zinc etc, which are good for your growing fetus. But remember that although nuts are good for you and your baby’s health, but having lots of them will add to your weight which may be difficult to cut down later; and also do not have oil-fried nuts. Oil-fried nuts have unhealthy calories and lots of sodium. It’s good to have them raw always.Now for the seeds, consider having pumpkin, sunflower, sesame and flax seeds. These seeds are super rich in minerals, vitamin Bs and fiber. Flax seed is rich in omega-3 fats. You can have flax seeds either whole or grind them to a fine powder and mix with milk.
7. Berries:Berries need a special mention and it should take a special place in your pregnancy diet chart. Berries are good in folate, vitamin C, potassium and fiber. If you don’t like berries start liking them because they are good for the developing fetus. You can top your cereals with berries or eat them fresh. But always wash them thoroughly before eating. Black berries, blue berries, strawberries or raspberries, any variety of berries are good for you.8. Red meat:If you had been avoiding red meat for so long due to the fear of weight gain, there’s news. This is the time to have some lean red meat. It is an excellent source of high-quality protein that is essential for baby’s development during the last trimesters. It is not only rich in proteins but also iron. Iron carries oxygen to your baby’s brain. Eating lean pork and beef will also give expectant mothers extra dose of Vitamin B and iron.9. MineralsThe main minerals that are vital for pregnancy are as follows:Calcium: (RDA 1000mg) found in most greens, milk products, legumes and nuts.
  • Zinc: (RDA 15mg) whole grains, broccoli, eggs, lean meats and tomatoes.
  • Iron: (RDA 30mg) whole grains, greens, meats, legumes, dried fruits and tofu.
  • Iodine: (RDA 175mcg) iodized salt, seafood and cheese.
  • Selenium: (RDA 65mcg) seafood and grains.
  • Phosphorus: (RDA 700mg) fish, eggs, meats.
  • Magnesium: (RDA 360mg) all beans, cashews, broccoli and tofu.
  • Flouride: (RDA 3.1mg) fluoridated water, seafood and tea.

3. Sweet Potatoes:

Sweet potatoes contain nutritious fiber, potassium, iron, copper, Vitamin C and B6, and beta carotene. Eating sweet potatoes can single handedly meet your iron requirement. Get your taste buds rolling by eating baked, mashed or even deep fried sweet potatoes.

4. Salmon:

Salmon is a good source of omega-3 fats and protein. These essential fats help in the development of baby’s brain and eyes. Salmon is also good for meeting the protein requirement of pregnant mothers. However it is advised to limit your salmon intake to six ounces weekly.


Yes, there is definitely a fine list of food and drinks you should avoid when pregnant as per the pregnancy food chart. Some of those foods that you had liked for so long have to be avoided for the good of your baby.

1. Fruits to Avoid:

There are quite a number of fruits that you need to avoid during pregnancy.
a. Papaya tops the list. In some countries, having papaya during pregnancy is considered harmful for the baby. Many may think it as superstition, but even science has proved that raw and semi-ripe papayas being rich in latex cause uterine contractions and thereby early labour. However on the other hand, consuming fully ripe papayas when pregnant is excellent.
b. Pineapples should also be avoided as they contain bromelain and may lead to softening of cervix and early labour.
c. Grapes should be avoided in the last trimester. It may lead to increase in body heat.

2. Coffee and Other Caffeine-Related Drinks:

Coffee might have been your stress-buster all these years but not anymore, atleast not during your pregnancy. Cut down on coffee and other caffeinated drinks altogether. Past studies have shown that too much of caffeine in your diet may lead to miscarriages, retardation of growth in baby and underweight babies. Also caffeine slows down the absorption of iron in your body which may lead to anemia.
So avoid, tea, coffee, soda or any aerated drinks.

3. Alcohol:

Don’t even think of bringing alcohol near you when you are pregnant. It is like a poison to your unborn baby. The amount of alcohol you will be consuming will travel through placenta to your baby’s blood. Your baby may have permanent health issues.
In European countries, it is quite a tradition to celebrate any good news over a glass or two of wine. We Indians have also adapted it, but for the sake of your baby bid all alcohol good-bye.

4. Raw Seafood:

The top must-not-eat food during pregnancy is raw, uncooked fish.
  • Shellfish, marlin, swordfish, shark and sushi – all of them contain methyl mercury which is severely detrimental for fetal brain development.
  • Consult your doctor before starting any fish oils too.
  • Avoid undercooked fish as it might contain harmful bacteria and give you an unwanted infection.

5. Raw Meats:

Raw, undercooked meats are avoided at all times in life, much more so during pregnancy.
  • Besides possibly containing infectious bacteria, these might also contain toxoplasma cysts. These cysts contain the toxoplasma gondii parasite and may cause severe damage to the fetus.
  • The parasitic infection reaches the fetus through the umbilical cord and wreaks havoc.
  • All meats must be washed and cooked thoroughly – another good reason to avoid eating out too often.
  • Avoid pre-stuffed poultry, ready-to-eat meats and meat spreads as they may contain harmful bacteria.
  • Liver must be avoided as it contains large doses of vitamin A and its excess can be harmful to the fetus.

6. Any Fast Food:

Just avoid them these nine months. You don’t know what is happening inside the restaurant kitchen; even if they are washing the veggies and meat or not. So better avoid than risk your baby’s health.

7. Soft Cheese:

Soft cheese which is imported is made from unpasteurized milk and may contain bacteria. These include feta cheese, gorgonzola and all other Mexican style cheeses. Avoid them.

8. Smoking:

Every cigarette you smoke is harmful for your baby. The nicotine present in tobacco slows fetal growth giving birth to low-weight and pre-mature babies.

9. Unpasteurized Juice:

Pasteurization is the process that food, juices and other fluids are put through to kill bacteria and other germs. The juices that you find at the stands and stalls are not put through this process and even some sold at the shelves of your super market. Always check the label before buying. Such juices can spread contaminants to your baby too which is definitely not good for your unborn baby!

10. Unpasteurized Dairy Products:

Needless to say, unpasteurized milk and cheese may again give you food poisoning that can potentially harm you and your fetus.
  • You should also avoid cheeses like brie, camembert, feta, queso blanco, queso fresco, panela and blue cheese as they are often made with unpasteurized milk.
  • Choose hard cheeses as they are mostly made with pasteurized milk, such as cheddar, parseman and stilton.

11. Hot Dogs and Other Nitrate Rich Foods:

Nirates are the additives that have associated with the development of brain tumors and diabetes. Hot dogs and cured meat are quite rich in this additive. Though the association is scientifically established yet, why take a chance?

12. Unwashed Vegetables and Fruits:

The toxoplasma gondii parasite and listeria bacteria often hide in fruits and vegetables.
  • Beware of having unwashed fruits and vegetables.
  • They must be thoroughly washed before being consumed.
  • In countries where pesticides are used in large quantities, it is best to peel off the fruits before consumption.
  • Raw vegetables must be avoided, especially raw sprouts and salad dressings, as they may contain harmful bacteria and viruses

13. Raw Eggs:

Having raw eggs can lead to food poisoning.
  • Though food poisoning rarely affects the fetus, it might make the expectant mum very ill.
  • Cook both egg white and yolk properly.
  • Also, avoid homemade salad dressings and sauces that contain raw egg (mayonnaise, hollandaise, Caesar salad dressing).
  • Try store made ones instead as they contain pasteurized eggs.

14. Canned Food:

For the simple reason that it might be too old and the water content may harbor harmful bacteria, avoid all canned food during pregnancy. Further, the lining in cans often contains Bisphenol A (BPA) which affects endocrine activity and harms the fetus.

 15. Herbal Supplements:

The effect of herbal supplements on pregnancy are somewhat disputed.
  • Avoid all herbal teas and supplements during pregnancy because you can never be sure of their actual ingredients.
  • Some herbal elements create muscle contractions and may even lead to preterm labour.
  • Some supplements contain high dosages of caffeine and weight loss elements.
  • Avoid herbs like senna, wormwood and saw palmetto, and talk to your doctor before you decide to have any kind of herbal tea.

16. Home-Baked Goods and Ice Cream:

As with all dairy products, homemade cookies may be raw and cause food poisoning and bacterial infections. The same is true with homemade ice-creams also. Avoid the homemade ones, and instead, give in to your craving by having it from a reputed brand once in a while.
The little one inside you is your responsibility. Your lifestyle habits will be responsible for your baby’s growth. Take proper care of yourself and the unborn one.
Hope this article answers all your questions on what food pregnant women should eat and also not eat! Do leave us a comment.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Top 10 Benefits Of Sugarcane Juice For Skin, Hair And Health

India is one of the leading producers of sugar cane in the world and because of that sugarcane juice or ganne ka ras as it’s known in Hindi is quite a popular drink in India, especially during the harsh summers. However sugar cane juice is not just another sweet juice, and contrary to popular belief it’s one of the healthiest drinks out there and list of nutrients in it will definitely put a lot of natural and artificial energy drinks to shame.

When we see a sugarcane juice vendor along the side of the road, we just have to get some don’t we! Obviously. It is simply delicious. But what if we also told you that it is great not just for your taste buds but also your health? In this article, we give you all the sugarcane benefits.

Sugarcane juice is rich in calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium and zinc.  It also contains iron and vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6, along with high concentration of phytonutrients, antioxidants, proteins and soluble fiber. All these nutrients work together to keep your body in a good and healthy shape. Here are some other benefits of sugarcane juice.

Health Benefits Of Sugarcane Juice
1. The reason behind sugar cane being a popular drink during summers is because it gives an instant kick of energy and quenches the thirst. Sugar cane juice is good source of glucose which as we know, helps to re-hydrates the human body and gives it a boost of energy. So instead of your artificial energy drink, the next time you feel fatigued or dehydrated, consider drinking a glass of cane juice.
2. Even though cane juice tastes very sweet and has high sugar content, it is good for diabetic patients. It contains natural sugar which has low glycemic index that prevents steep rise in blood glucose levels in diabetics, so it can act as a substitute of aerated drinks for them. However people with Type-2 diabetes should consume it in moderation and after consultation with their doctors.

3. Sugarcane juice is considered an alkaline forming food because of the high concentration of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and manganese in it.  Diseases like cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment and that’s why studies show that it is effective in fighting against cancer, especially prostate and breast cancer.
4. As sugar cane juice boosts protein levels in the body, it helps in maintaining the health of the kidney. Taken in a diluted form, with lime juice and coconut water, sugar cane juice helps in reducing the burning sensation which is commonly associated with urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, kidney stones and prostatitis.

5. The antioxidants in sugarcane juice help to fighting against infections and boost the immunity system of the body. It also protects liver the liver against infections and helps in keeping the bilirubin levels in control. This is the reason that doctors advice drinking sugar cane juice to jaundice patients, as it is one of the few things that get digested without too much pressure on the liver and also helps in reducing the bilirubin levels.
6. Sugar cane juice also acts a good digestive aid due to the presence of potassium. It helps in keeping the digestive system in good shape, prevents stomach infections and is considered to be particularly useful in treating the problem of constipation.
7. Studies show that sugarcane juice protects against tooth decay and bad breath due to its high mineral content. So save yourself the next trip to the dentist and drink a glass of fresh sugarcane juice to get shiny white teeth.

8. As I mentioned in a post regarding effects of nutrients on nails, deficiency of nutrients in the body can easily be noticed by looking at the health and condition of your nails. If you have brittle discolored nails that have white spots on them, then it’s time to add sugar cane juice in your diet. It contains everything to give you those strong shiny nails that would look pretty even without a nail polish.
9. Sugarcane juice has been discovered to be great for those people who are struggling with febrile disorders. Febrile disorders are accountable for resulting in fevers, which can lead to seizures and loss of protein in the body. It is quite common in infants and children. Sugar cane juice helps in compensating the lost protein and helps in recovery.
10. When it comes to healthy skin, alpha hydroxy acids are supposed to have a lot of benefits. They fight acne, reduce blemishes, prevent ageing and help in keeping the skin hydrated. One of the most effective alpha hydroxy acids is glycolic acid and sugarcane, is one of its few natural sources. Just apply sugar cane juice to your skin and let it dry or add it to your favourite face mask and scrub. Use it regularly to see the effect.
While the advantages of sugarcane juice are many, it is essential to ensure that it is extracted in a hygienic manner. It’s also important to use and consume the juice as soon it extracted because it tends to get oxidized within 15 minutes.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

22 Food Hacks You Need To Know

1. Breads
2. Hard boiled eggs

3. Instant Taco Bowls

4. Brownie in a Mug
5. Onions as egg mold

6. Nutella Puffs

7. Nacho Bits

8.  Grapes Popsicles

9. How to Tell If Avocado is Ripe

10. Home-made Double Chocolate Chip Frappe

11. Big MAC Sauce Recipe

12. Turkeys

13. Easy Potato Scrub

14. Cheeseburger Melt

15. Cooking Pasta in 60 seconds


16. Nutella Popsicles

17. Steak Signs

18. Separating egg shells

19. Ham and Cheese Toast

20. Keeping Pizza Crunchy

21. BLT


22. Proper Water Temp for Teas


15 health benefits of methi

health benefits of methi

The seeds and leaves of methi (fenugreek) are readily available and widely used in Indian kitchen. They have a strong aroma and a bitter taste. But when used in small quantities they impart flavour to your food. It is commonly used in curries, vegetable dishes, dals and not to forget the mouth-watering methi paratha. But did you know that methi is a rich reservoir of medicinal properties too? Methi contains protein, fibre, vitamin C, niacin, potassium, iron and alkaloids. It also contains a compound diosgenin which has oestrogen-like properties, as well as steroidal saponins. These compounds impart many benefits to methi – from being your beauty product to being an answer to your health problems!
Here are 15 health benefits of methi (fenugreek):
Increase breast milk production
Fenugreek ranks high among the ‘must haves’ for nursing mothers. This is due to the presence of diosgenin in the spice which increases milk production in lactating mothers.
Induce and ease child birth

Fenugreek has been known to be helpful in inducing childbirth by stimulating uterine contractions. It is also known to reduce labour pain. But here’s a word of caution. Excess intake of fenugreek seeds during pregnancy could put you in risk of miscarriage or premature childbirth.
Ease women’s health problems
Fenugreek contains compounds like diosgenin and isoflavones with oestrogen-like properties which help reduce symptoms like discomfort and menstrual cramps associated with PMS. These compounds also ease menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and mood fluctuations. Women are more prone to iron deficiency during adolescence (initiation of menstrual periods), during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Including green leafy veggies like fenugreek (methi) in your diet can supply a good amount of iron. But make sure to add tomatoes or potatoes to the preparations to enhance the iron absorption.
Breast Enlargement
Want to enlarge your breasts? Include fenugreek in your regular diet. The oestrogen-like property of fenugreek can help in breast enlargement by balancing hormones in women.
Reduce cholesterol
According to studies fenugreek helps to reduce cholesterol level, especially that of the low density lipoprotein (LDL).
Reduce cardiovascular risk
Fenugreek seed has cardiovascular benefits due to the presence of galactomannan. It lowers the risk of heart attack. It is also an excellent source of potassium which counters the action of sodium to help control heart rate and blood pressure.
Control diabetes
Fenugreek is beneficial for people with diabetes.  Galactomannan, a natural soluble fibre present in fenugreek slows down the rate of sugar absorption into blood. Fenugreek also contains amino acid responsible for inducing the production of insulin.
Aid digestion
Fenugreek helps flush out harmful toxins. It relieves indigestion and helps treat constipation.
Cure acid reflux or heartburn
One teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in your food can be an effective remedy for acid reflux or heartburn. Mucilage of fenugreek seeds coat the lining of the stomach and intestine and sooth irritated gastrointestinal tissues. Before consuming, you can soak the methi seeds in water to make their outer coat mucilaginous.
Remedy for fever and sore throat
Fenugreek when taken with a teaspoon of lemon and honey can work wonders to reduce fever by nourishing the body. The soothing effect of mucilage in fenugreek also helps to relieve cough and pain from sore throat.
Prevent colon cancer
The fibre content (saponins, mucilage, etc.) of fenugreek binds to toxins in the food and flush them out. This in turn helps to protect the mucus membrane of the colon from cancers.
Lose weight by suppressing appetite
Include fenugreek in your weight loss diet by chewing soaked methi seeds in the morning on an empty stomach. The natural soluble fibre in the fenugreek can swell and fill the stomach thereby suppressing your appetite.
Cure for skin inflammation and scars

Apply a clean cloth soaked in methi seed paste for effective treatment of skin problems like burns, boils, eczema, etc. Fenugreek seeds also help in getting rid of scars.
Beauty product
Fenugreek can be an excellent ingredient for your home-made beauty product. Fenugreek can be used in face packs to help prevent blackheads, pimples, wrinkles, etc. Washing your face with water boiled with fenugreek seeds or applying a paste of fresh fenugreek leaves for twenty minutes on your face can work wonders for your skin.
Solution to hair problems
Using fenugreek as a part of your diet or as a paste to directly apply on your hair makes yourhair shiny and black. Massaging your head everyday with boiled fenugreek seeds soaked overnight in coconut oil can be an excellent remedy for thinning of hair and hair fall. What more? Fenugreek is also great to keep the dandruff away