Tuesday 31 May 2016



Gastritis means “inflammation of the stomach.” In most cases the lining of the stomach, suffer erosion and perforations, sometimes even bleeding. The most common causes of gastritis are alcohol and most pain killers. From aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, to Aleve, and many others cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and this leads to gastritis and ulcers. In this page you will find home remedies gastritis to treat gastro-intestinal problems. 
People suffering from stress are also prone to gastritis, surgery, burns, trauma and other serious medical problems increase the chances of developing gastritis. 
The way gastritis attacks the stomach walls is by disrupting the mucosa, name given to the lining of the stomach. However, other types of gastritis produce inflammation underneath the stomach lining due to bacteria or anemia. These cases are prone to develop into ulcers. 
Gastritis in most cases is painless, common symptoms are: loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, bloating, and indigestion, some people may experience abdominal pain when eating.


Home remedies Gastritis #1 :Eliminate dairy products from your diet until the digestive system is healed. 

Home remedies Gastritis #2 :Drink eight large glasses of water a day. 

Home remedies Gastritis #3 :Take 400 IU a day of vitamin E to reduce inflammation in the stomach.

Home remedies Gastritis #4 :If your gastritis is caused by anemia, take supplemental chlorophyll two capsules three times a day, and follow the recommendations under anemia. 

Home remedies Gastritis #5 :Licorice (DGL) helps heal the gastrointestinal tract chew 300 to 600 mg. 30 minutes before meals. This herb is also use to treat ulcers. Licorice is as effective as Tagamet.

Home remedies Gastritis #6 :Take Artichoke if you feel abdominal pain, bloating or to relive vomiting, and nausea.

Home remedies Gastritis #7 :One of the best herbs for treating gastritis is Ginger it relives almost all symptoms including indigestion and gas, quickly healing stomach and intestinal tissue, reduces inflammation, and ulcerated linings. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It reduces nausea, stimulates digestion of fats and it’s a natural antibiotic.

Home remedies Gastritis #8 :Goldenseal destroys bacteria that causes gastritis, stomach inflammation and ulcers.

Home remedies Gastritis #9 :Marshmallow relives nausea, indigestion, gastritis and ulcers.

Home remedies Gastritis #10 :Peppermint contains volatile oils like menthol, relives indigestion, gastritis and stomach ulcers. 

Home remedies Gastritis #11 :Papaya seeds and pineapple aid digestion. It should be eating slightly ripe. Papaya is rich in digestive enzymes.

Monday 30 May 2016

Health Benefits of Watermelon During Pregnancy (Women Pregnant)

Benefits of watermelon for pregnant women

What are the Health Benefits of Watermelon During Pregnancy (Women Pregnant)

Watermelon is a vine-like flowering plant originally from southern Africa. Its fruit, which is also calledwatermelon, is a special kind referred to by botanists as a pepo, a berry which has a thick rind and fleshy center.

Watermelon has a high water contentwhich is around 90%. Thereforewatermelon is very suitable to be consumed during the day when the day was sunny as thirst-quenching fruit

Besides known for its freshred fruit and sweet taste tempting appeared to have some benefit that has not been knownPlease read the properties and benefits of watermelon.

Not only to give freshness and vitamin intake to the body, it is very good watermelon all to be consumed by pregnant women.

Benefits of watermelon for pregnant women (During Pregnancy) ?

To find out what benefits are owned by watermelon for pregnant women (During Pregnancy), here we informthe benefits of watermelon for pregnant women are: 
  • Can reduce feelings of nausea for pregnant women
  • Can help reduce morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy
  • As an addition to body fluids because watermelon has a water content of about 90%
  • Abatement of muscle cramps in the first trimester of pregnancy
  • Reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia by 50%. Owned lycopene content of watermelon has efficacy to reduce the occurrence of preeclampsia in pregnant women
  • Relieve the symptoms of heartburn or a burning sensation in the stomach
  • Assist the development of brainvisionmuscle and immune system in the fetus
  • Make a pregnant woman's body looks more fresh and healthy
Thus I created this article to provide information on the "Health Benefits of Watermelon During Pregnancy (Women Pregnant)" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this article via Facebook, Twitter so your friends know this information.

Home Remedies for Prostate Cancer

Some of the most effective home remedies for prostate cancer include the use of fish oil, soy, vitamin C,selenium, flaxseed, pomegranate juice, zinc, baking soda, cannabis oil, lycopene, cayenne pepper, blackcumin, stinging nettle, and behavioral changes, including aerobic exercise, meditation, and yoga.

Prostate Cancer

If you are a man over 50 in the western world, you have almost undoubtedly heard of prostate cancer, as it is one of the most common forms of cancer and kills more than 300,000 people every year. As the name implies, prostate cancer is a carcinoma growth in the prostate gland, which is located in the male reproductive system. Although most prostate cancer cases progress rather slowly, increasing the likelihood of early detection, it remains a significant threat. Early symptoms, such as problems or pain when urinating, are often mistaken for other conditions, or they don’t present at all. It is commonly recommended that men over 40 begin getting regular prostate exams to ensure that the cancerous nodes are not developing on the gland.Cayennepepper
One of the most dangerous aspects of prostate cancer is its ability to spread to bones and nearby tissues from the prostate. If the cancer is detected and contained in the prostate gland, surgery and chemotherapy can often be used successfully, but if the cancer metastasizes and spreads, more comprehensive, targeted therapies are required, and the risk factors increase. The causes of prostate cancer can range from genetic markers and poor dietary habits to lifestyle choices, infections, and medication intake. For this reason, many people suggest home remedies for prevention and treatment of prostate cancer, often in conjunction with more formal procedures if the cancer has been detected. Regular screening is the most important lifestyle change, but let’s take a closer look at some of the other home remedies for prostate cancer.

Home Remedies for Prostate Cancer

Soy: The link between soy products and prostate cancer is still being explored, but the surprisingly low rates of prostate cancer in populations with high soy intake, such as Japan and other Asian nation, is very significant. The phytoestrogens found in soy are known to be beneficial for women, but there appears to also be a link between male prostate health and this important substance too!
Vitamin C: As with many other health conditions, boosting your intake of vitamin C can be very helpful. Not only does it help to stimulate the immune system and increase the production of white blood cells, butvitamin C is also a key component of collagen, which is needed for damage and repair. Prostate cancer can effectively be slowed with antioxidants that neutralize carcinoma, so drinking your orang juice every day is a good idea!
Black Cumin: Black cumin oil may be considered a traditional or herbal remedy, but it has some measurable and impressive effects against prostate cancer. Displaying some serious anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties, this herbal essential oil can dramatically reduce the number of cancerous cells, and continue to grow in popularity.
Cayenne Pepper: You might not like the idea of chomping down on a burning hot cayenne pepper, but the capsaicin present in these powerful peppers has a significant anti-proliferative effect on cancerous cells, thus inducing tumor shrinkage and “starving” of cancerous cells. So, brace yourself and get a glass of water, but don’t ignore the proven benefits of cayenne pepper on prostate cancer cells!
Zinc: Zinc deficiency has been directly correlated with a higher risk of prostate cancer, so ensuring that you get enough zinc in your diet is crucial. You can boost your zinc intake by adding foods like beef, poultry,yogurt, cheese, and oysters.
Baking Soda: By helping to create a more alkaline setting in the body, some people have successfully reversed the effects of prostate cancer, due to its composition (sodium bicarbonate). He made it more difficult for cancerous cells to proliferate in the imbalanced pH setting of his stomach, and while drinking baking soda isn’t the most pleasant experience, it may have saved his life!
Meditation: Eastern approaches to chronic diseases like cancer include meditation, as it is believed to improve the immune system, reduce stress hormones in the body, and naturally prevent the spread of cancerous cells. Studies have had mixed results regarding the direct efficacy, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to try!
Cannabis Oil: Research on the effects of cannabis oil has grown exponentially in recent years, and cannabis oil has been connected to stopping the spread and development of cancer. A gene called ID-1 begins to spread in prostate cancer, but the cannabinoids in cannabis oil are able to inhibit the replication of this gene. This is a hugely important step forward for prostate cancer research, and cannabis oil is becoming more widely available as its true values are finally recognized.
Lycopene: Lycopene is associated with the red color in many popular fruits and vegetables, but it is also a powerful antioxidant that is linked to stopping the spread and even reversing cancerous growths, including those from prostate cancer.
Stinging Nettle: This is an old natural remedy for all concerns of the prostate gland, including prostatitis, which is often a precursor to prostate cancer. Therefore, adding a supplement of stinging nettle can protect you from prostate cancer before it ever develops.
Yoga: Similar to meditation, yoga is believed to rebalance the body’s metabolism, provide non-impact exercise, cleanse toxins, and boost the function of the immune system. When performed in conjunction with dietary and other lifestyle changes, yoga can improve your chances of preventing prostate cancer.
Pomegranate Juice: Fruit juices have long been associated with antioxidant content, andpomegranate juice has recently received attention in cancer-studying circles for its apparent ability to slow the spread of cancer in numerous parts of the body.
Flaxseed: There are numerous benefits to adding flaxseed to your diet, including its impressive level of lignans and omega-3 fatty acids, which can directly inhibit the growth and spread of cancerous cells, as well as lower inflammation throughout the body, including in the prostate.
Fish Oil: Often praised for its high content of omega-3 fatty acids, it is a good idea to add fish oil supplements or oily fish (tuna, mackerel, salmon) to your diet to get this “good cholesterol”, which is correlated to lowercancer risk.
A Final Word of Warning: The danger of metastasis is very real in all cancers, including prostate cancer. You should always see a trained oncologist or medical professional when deciding on a cancer treatment plan. These home remedies are suggestions and complementary treatments, but should not replace formal treatment for this very dangerous disease.

Health Benefits of Banana Peels For Beauty Skin

Health Benefits of Banana Peels For Beauty Skin

Vegetafruit.com | Did you know that What are the Amazing benefits of Banana Peels For Beauty Skin and healthy. A banana is an edible fruit, botanically a berry, produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa.

Bananas are an excellent source of nutrition for infants even though sometimes we take it as a cheap food, baby food banana is better than any other fruit. Banana is a fruit that is ideal to be given as a first solid food for babies 6 months. Nutritional benefits of bananas are not only beneficial for adults, but also good for babies, toddlers and children. Especially for the growth and development of infants.

Here are Some Health Benefits of Banana Peels For Beauty Skin :

Natural Medicine Diseases Psoriasis
Benefits of banana peels can be used for patients with psoriasis, a disease that is characterized by silvery scales and red color enhancement and sore or itchy. If this carded scales will result in considerable pain bleeding spots.

The fix that is greasing or rub a banana peel on the affected skin area Psoriasis evenly. At first it would appear reddish skin color but over time it will subside or disappear by itself.

May Treating Headaches
Health benefits of banana peel to the other is that it can cope with a headache or migrants. This method is very easy to do because it is very simple, that is by mashing a banana peel and paste on the forehead. Do this until your headache disappeared.

Experts study ever conducted in the United states that drinking warm banana skin in a way to relieve emotional juiced. Banana peel also contains tryptophan which improves mood by increasing serotonin levels. Serotonin is this substance that is responsible for balancing the emotions and mood.

To Treat Mosquito Bites
Mosquito bite will make the swelling and the feeling in the skin, to overcome it we can use banana peels. Banana peel can also reduce scars from the bite of the way with a tiny little piece banana peels and paste on the skin and let stand about 15 minutes then wash with clean water.

Treating Warts
Benefits banana peels for another skin that can treat warts are found on the skin interfere with performance. Take banana peels, cut to the size of the warts are found on the skin glue for approximately 10 minutes then rinse.

Whiten teeth
One of the benefits of banana peel is whiten teeth. The content of manganese, magnesium, and potassium in the skin pisanglah that can help whiten tooth enamel. How to make a banana skin for whitening teeth become very easy, namely by rubbing the inside of a banana skin with a circular motion for two to five minutes. After that clean by brushing teeth. Make a way for one to two weeks to get the maximum results.

The benefits of banana peel for the face
Who would not want to have the face a healthy glow? If you want the skin of the face that can radiate beauty to the maximum, it could not hurt to try this banana skin masks. The trick is to rub the inside of a banana peels on the entire surface of the face before going to bed evenly. Leave overnight, then wash it next morning with warm water. Use fresh banana peels, which had just peeled off the fruit to get the best results.

Treating Wounds
Other efficacy banana skin is able to treat wounds. Injuries due to injury, especially in the knee can be cured by using a banana peel. Way is to rub a banana peel "new" on the part of the injured. After that, you can see the healing effects of this banana skin.

Natural Medicine against acne stubborn
One of the properties that you get from the banana peels to treat acne. The trick is to rub the inside of a banana skin on acne. In order to obtain maximum results do regularly and apply at night for acne is not visible anymore.

Abatement Bruises and Skin Irritations
Banana peel contains minerals and natural antioxidants that help to rejuvenate and heal skin irritation or bruising on the outer skin. Quite easy, by attaching a banana peel on the injured area. Let stand for 1 night until morning, then rinse with clean water.

UV Protection
In addition to the above benefits, banana peel also contain substances that could be used to protect the eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays, you know. To feel the benefits of banana peel to skin this one can be done by rubbing a banana peel on the eyelid area. Make sure you wear a banana skin has been dried in the sun for a while. Regular use is also proven to reduce the risk of cataracts.

Sunday 29 May 2016

Top Benefits of Pandan Leaves for Health and Beauty

Top Benefits of Pandan Leaves for Health and Beauty

Top Benefits of Pandan Leaves for Health and Beauty

Pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius) is a tropical plant in the Pandanus genus, which is commonly known as pandan leaves, and is used widely in Southeast Asian cooking as a flavoring.

Here are some Benefits of Pandan Leaves for Health and Beauty

Overcoming Weak Nerves 
Rinse three (3pieces pandan leaves and thinly sliced​​, then boiled with three (3cups of water to boil until the remaining approximately two (2glasses of waterdrink cold water after the morning and afternoon

Overcome Dandruff 
Rinse 2 to 5 pieces of pandan leavestiny little slices and crushed into powderusing the results of thecollision pandan leaves to wipe rubbed scalp regularly

blacken Hair 
7 pieces of fresh pandan leaves evenly chopped and boiled with a glass of water to boiling and greenishlet the cold water condenses after overnight and morning mix with the juice of three (3ripe noni fruitUsewater to wash hair the mixture three times a week on a regular basis.

Antirheumatic and stiff 
3 pieces of fresh pandan leaves washed and thinly sliced​​. Brewed with half a cup of chopped coconut oil, stirring evenly, use as a liniment after cold concoction

Lowering High Blood Pressure
Boil pandan leaves with two cups of water until the remaining approximately a glass of water, drink morning and evening regularly until blood pressure returned to normal.

Our hope tutorial entitled "Top Benefits of Pandan Leaves for Health and Beauty" can be useful for visitors.