Monday 29 February 2016

Homemade Pregnancy Test with Sugar

A lot of women try homemade pregnancy tests because of their lack of access to proper clinics or medical stores from where they can get a pregnancy test kit. For these women, the best form of homemade pregnancy test that comes in handy is DIY test. DIY home pregnancy test with sugar are not harmful, but then if they are not used as they should be, homemade pregnancy test can be ineffective. It is imperative for one to be cautious before picking the type of homemade pregnancy test to use.

Things to Keep in Mind While Performing Homemade Pregnancy Test

Even if the results of the home pregnancy test with sugar show that you are not pregnant, you must visit the doctor to be sure that you really are not pregnant. This is because the pregnancy tests done at home can be inaccurate and will therefore, make you miss on the very important prenatal care that you need during pregnancy. The ingredients that you pick for your home pregnancy test must be chosen wisely because some of these products can do more harm than benefit. One such ingredient that is most commonly used in home pregnancy tests is bleach, which while being used, must not be inhaled.

Basics of Home Pregnancy Tests

Any homemade pregnancy test is done to check for the presence of the pregnancy hormone, hCG, in the urine. The amount of hCG that is present in a woman’s urine determines whether she is pregnant or not.  A woman releases this hormone the most when she is pregnant.

The Best Time to Take Home Pregnancy Test with Sugar

The best time to take a home pregnancy test with sugar is in the morning, immediately after one has got up from sleep. The first morning urine is usually not diluted and is the best to tell if one is pregnant or not.

How to Do Homemade Pregnancy Test With Sugar?

To perform home pregnancy test with sugar, take a bowl and add two to three spoons of sugar into it. When you have an urge to urinate, pee into the bowl. Watch out for the reaction. If the sugar dissolves, you are not pregnant, but if it clumps up, you certaintly are. Try to use this method in the morning to get the most accurate results.

5 Super Foods For Thyroid Health

Another epidemic is sweeping across the world. According to experts, there are as many as 30 million people suffering from a form of thyroid disorder in the United States alone – and half of them are undiagnosed. That is a staggering 12% of the nation’s total population.

Worldwide, approximately 430 million people are estimated to have a thyroid disorder.
Strangely, there is little concrete information about this problem worldwide since many patients and their doctors mistake the common symptoms for something else.
One serious cause of thyroid dysfunction is iodine deficiency. We get very little of it in our modern diet but iodine is a nutrient obtainable from food. It may seem overly simplistic to use food for thyroid health but it works and could be the answer in your particular case to getting this important gland functioning normally again.
10 Symptoms of Thyroid Malfunction

  1. Fatigue: Persistent exhaustion no matter how much sleep you get.
  2. Poor Sleep Quality: Being unable to sleep or wanting to sleep all the time.
  3. Mood Swings: Feelings of sadness or anxiety.
  4. Appetite Changes: Changes to food preferences or altered taste.
  5. Brain Fog: Inability to concentrate or difficulty with simple cognition.
  6. Bowel Irregularity: Bloating, gas, constipation, or diarrhea.
  7. Temperature Sensitivity: You persistently feel too hot or too cold.
  8. Chronic Pain: Aches in joints or muscles for no particular reason.
  9. Reproductive Issues: Infertility, miscarriages, or premature births.
  10. Menstrual Changes: An increase or decrease in cramps, flow, or length of periods.
What Does Your Thyroid Do for You?
The thyroid hormones thyroxine (T-4) and triiodothyronine (T-3) produced by your thyroid gland – a butterfly shaped gland in your lower throat – are responsible for managing your metabolism, body temperature, and blood pressure. Though this part of the endocrine system is small, it is mighty. It literally effects all of you because every cell and organ in your body use thyroid hormones.
Hyperthyroidism (less common) is the term used when your thyroid produces too much hormones. It is also referred to as an overactive thyroid. This condition can result in unexplained weight loss, feeling jittery or anxious, inability to relax, lack of focus, rapid heart rate, fatigue, marked increase to appetite, deterioration of nails, skin, and hair, heart disease, irritability, sleep irregularity, and intolerance to heat.Hypothyroidism (most common) is the term used when your thyroid produces too little hormones. It is also referred to as an underactive or sluggish thyroid. You may notice no symptoms initially but they tend to worsen as time goes by. Deficiency in these essential hormones lead to feelings of fatigue, depression, obesity, pain in joints, muscle weakness, deterioration of hair, skin, and nails, heart disease, poor memory and focus, and intolerance to cold.
Hashimoto’s Disease is an autoimmune condition. Your immune system malfunctions and sends out antibodies to attack thyroid tissue. Over time, the thyroid is beaten down and unable to function properly. The majority of patients with hypothyroidism test positive for these antibodies. It is important to keep your immune system strong and lower body-wide inflammation to prevent these antibodies from destroying your thyroid.
Your thyroid is stimulated by signals from your brain (hypothalamus) and your pituitary gland tells the thyroid gland to either produce hormones or to hold back. When the signals are blocked or false, it can result in serious repercussions throughout your system.
Common Causes of Thyroid Malfunction
  • Iodine or other nutrition deficiency.
  • Graves is a genetic autoimmune disease that stimulates thyroid hormone production.
  • Plummer’s disease is benign lumps that stimulate thyroid hormone production.
  • Pregnancy can trigger thyroid dysfunction.
  • Thyroiditis is inflammation that triggers excess thyroid hormone to flood the blood.
  • Physical, mental, or emotional stress may affect how your thyroid functions.
  • Environmental toxins are thought to play a role in dysfunction of the thyroid.
This condition can affect adults, children, and infants. Newborns tested and treated early respond well and the practice has prevented poor mental development.
There are synthetic hormones available (thyroid drugs are the fourth highest selling in the United States) that can eventually get your thyroid back on track. However, most patients have to have a thyroid that no longer functions for the synthetic replacements to work.
Preventing the destruction of your thyroid in the first place is a far better solution.
5 Best Foods for Thyroid Health
  1. Seaweed and seafood (scallops, shrimp, sardines, salmon, and tuna)
  2. Yogurt, eggs, and cheese
  3. Coconut oil
  4. Cranberries and cranberry juice
  5. Baked potatoes (with skin)
5 Worst Foods for Thyroid Health
  1. Soy products
  2. Refined gluten grains
  3. Sodas, alcohol, or excessive coffee
  4. Hydrogenated oils (avoid processed or fast foods)
  5. Refined sugar
Currently, there is no cure for autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s that cause extensive damage to the thyroid and result in conditions such as hypothyroidism. As with most autoimmune conditions, it is crucial to pay close attention to diet and lifestyle habits. It may not reverse thyroid damage completely but it will slow the advance and ease symptoms.
Good choices for your thyroid benefits your entire body. All of your systems are connected and they depend on each other to function properly. Choosing the right foods for thyroid health are also good choices for your heart, brain, and gut. All of you will feel the difference.

18 Amazing Uses For Aloe Vera – You Will Never Buy Expensive Products Again!

Aloe Vera is a plant that is growing wild in tropical climates, but mostly is cultivated for medicinal uses. It is very easy to grow plant in home environment because it requires little in the way of care: occasional watering, warm conditions, and a little of fertilization occasionally.
Aloe Vera also has amazing benefits, first of because of his medicinal properties, but it is interesting to mention paving the way towards your first domestic herbalism.
This plant has thick, gel – filled leaves which are harvested very easily. All you should do is to open one leaf and collect the oozing gel from it.
In addition, you can find aloe juice in better supplied stores for healthy food. However, it is much safer and cheaper to use homegrown gel. The best benefits you will get by harvesting the biggest and ripest leaves, because of their larger concentration of gel.
Continue with reading and see for which issues you can use this remarkable substance:


9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Applying Aloe Vera Topically:

-Moisturizes skin
-Heals wounds
-Soothes burns (one of the best home remedies for sunburns)
-Anti – itching for bug bites
-Calms acne and eczema
-Reduces wrinkles
-Calms rashes, boils, and other skin afflictions
-Conditions hair as a shampoo (may even prevent hair loss)
-Can be used as a shaving gel

9 Health Benefits Of  Consuming  Aloe Vera Internally:

Boosting the production of white blood cells and healthy cells in cancer patients
Reinforces the heart and improves the quality of blood
Stabilizing blood sugar
Promoting healthy gums
Stomach disturbances
Lowering arthritis inflammation
Improving the body’s immunity
Reducing heartburn and indigestion
Promoting better functioning of the urinary tract
Preventing digestive disorders like constipation, bloating, IBS and colitis and calms
It is interesting to mention that it is believed that the plant we know today under the name Aloe Vera, originates from Northern Africa.
However, first documented medicinal use was in the ancient Egyptian Papyrus, called ebers, which provided 12 different recipes for aloe healing.
Now, this succulent plant is used across the globe as healing medicine, but also as an ornamental plant.
Our advice is to forsake the pharmaceutical medication and try to find cure in the nature. So, enjoy numerous benefits of aloe vera!

Health Benefits of Vitamin A or Retinol

Vitamin A is a very important nutrient. Retinal and retinol are referred to as preformed Vitamin A. It helps in increasing the body’s immunity to fight infections and keeps your eyes and skin moist.
Vitamin A or retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in ensuring healthy eyes and bone development. Vitamin A deficiency is the most common cause of blindness among children. Vitamin A can prevent night blindness and dry eyes, while also ensuring clear vision.


Fish liver oils, cream, egg yolk, beef liver, cheddar cheese, fortified milk, and butter products are rich sources of Vitamin A. Yellow or orange-colored fruits and vegetables that contain the pigment carotene are also top sources. Be sure to include food items such as sweet potato, carrots, broccoli, spinach, mango, pumpkin, tomato, oatmeal, apricot, peach, peas, papaya and collard greens in your daily diet to ensure a regular supply of vitamin A.


Some of the major deficiency symptoms of Vitamin A include keratinization of the skin, night blindness, a burning sensation or itching in the eyes, inflammation of the eyelids, xerophthalmia (dryness of the conjunctiva), dull lusterless hair dandruff, brittle nails that break easily, sexual disorders, and precancerous changes in the body tissues. A deficiency of Vitamin A might also result in fatigue, insomnia and depression.


Vitamin A is essential for a healthy body and it has many beneficial properties, including those listed below.
Improves Immunity: Vitamin A enhances the body’s immunity against infections by increasing the lymphocytic responses against disease-causing antigens. It keeps the mucus membranes moist to ensure better immunity and also enhances the activity of white blood cells. It not only prevents the germs from entering your body, but also helps to fight the infections once the germs gain entry into the body system, thereby ensuring a double core of protection.
Ensures Healthy Eyes: Vitamin A can aid in improving vision. It enables your eyes to adjust to light changes, keeps the eyes moist, and also improves night vision. It can prevent many conditions like dry eyes as well. Vitamin A helps in the formation of visual purple in the eyes, which can improve the vision of weak eyes. Vitamin A ensures a healthy retina and also prevents night blindness by increasing the adaptability of the human eye to both bright light and darkness. It can also significantly cut down the risks of cataracts and macular degeneration, which is commonly associated with aging. It ensures healthy and beautiful eyes. It is also thought to be beneficial for people suffering from glaucoma.
Carrot1Ensures Soft and Supple Skin: Vitamin A helps to keep your body free from free radicals and toxins, which might cause damage to your skin. It helps to keep the skin soft and supple by ensuring moisture retention, thereby preventing dryness, keratinization and skin conditions like psoriasis.
Strong Bones and Teeth: This essential vitamin also strengthens the bones and teeth. Vitamin A helps in the formation of dentin, a layer of hard material just below the surface of the teeth, thereby enhancing its strength.
Prevents Urinary Stones: Vitamin A prevents the formation of urinary calculi due to the formation of calcium phosphate. It also helps to keep the lining of the urinary tract in shape, thereby reducing the recurring chance of stones.
Prevents Muscular Dystrophy: By keeping the bones healthy and by retaining their shape, Vitamin A plays an essential role in ensuring proper muscle growth in children and growing teens, thereby preventing the chances of developing muscular dystrophy.
Prevents Acne: Vitamin A helps to cut down excess sebum production, thereby reducing the risk of acne. It also reinforces the protective tissues of the skin, thereby enhancing the overall health and vitality of the skin surface. Vitamin A is essential for the proper maintenance of the skin tissues and mucus membranes. It flushes out the toxins from your body and cleanses the system by virtue of its antioxidant properties.
Prevents Certain Cancers: Vitamin A is also a powerful antioxidant, which can prevent certain forms of cancer.
Repair and Replacement of Old Tissues: Vitamin A plays an important role in replacing old and worn out tissues with new ones, as well as in keeping your bones and teeth strong.
Slows the Aging Process: Vitamin A is famous for its wrinkle-eliminating properties, which can reduce age spots and fine lines. It can slow down the aging process by enhancing the overall health of the skin.

Lowers Cholesterol: It lowers blood cholesterol levels, thereby protecting you against the serious risks of heart disease and stroke.
Healthy Reproductive System: This Vitamin is widely known for aiding the health and functionality of the reproductive system.
A Few Words of Caution: Vitamin A is required only in trace amounts and any excess quantity will be expelled by the body unabsorbed. Make sure to ensure a regular supply of the requisite quantity for best results. Vitamin A overdose can have detrimental symptoms such as blurred vision and nausea. Severe symptoms might include growth retardation, and an enlarged spleen and liver, among others.

Saturday 27 February 2016

Hungry for More: What to Eat for Sexual Vitality

Hungry for More: What to Eat for Sexual Vitality
Rev up your sexual vitality with cinnamon and other surprising foods.


Envision a ripe, juicy apricot. It beckons from the kitchen counter—full, sweet, and ready to be enjoyed. Now think about a bag of dried apricots. They’re in the pantry, for use . . . whenever. Our sexuality should be like the fresh apricot: a nourishing and urgent part of our lives. Yet many of us struggle to feel desire, or we lack the energy to act on it.
“My mom confided in me that she only had sex when she went on vacation,” says Brigitte Mars, a herbalist and nutritional consultant based in Boulder, Colorado. “And I said, ‘But, Mom, you only go on vacation once a year!’” Luckily for Mom (and Dad!), Mars is the author of The Sexual Herbal and offered to make meals that contained a lot of cinnamon. The results? “After a week, she winked at me.”
“Cinnamon, consistently eaten, keeps you ‘user ready,’” explains Brian Clement. He and his wife, Anna Maria, both naturopaths and nutritionists, are the authors of 7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality . “It’s the biggest question we hear: How can I get my libido back?” says Anna Maria Clement. That’s a question worth pursuing, she says. “Sexual satisfaction is a major contributor to the quality of life.”
The right foods can support desire, but if you’re envisioning oysters, think again: Foods for sexual vitality are different from aphrodisiacs, says Mars. “You want to tone the whole body. It’s not, What can I do for tonight? but, rather, having extra energy for sex.” Here are the powerhouse foods that will fan your desire:
Nuts and seeds , especially sesame, chia, sunflower, hemp, and pumpkin. “Raw nuts and seeds have a lot of life force,” says Mars, who suggests soaking chia seeds overnight and having them for breakfast with blueberries, nuts, and honey.
Grains, beans, and squash . “The best way to eat squash is raw,” says Brian Clement. “Grate it up and add it to salads or dips.”
Turmeric, lemon, and cayenne , which support healthy circulation. “Some of the smallest capillaries in the body go down to the penis and vaginal areas,” Clement says. “Blood flow is necessary for full arousal,” agrees Laurie Steelsmith, a Honolulu-based naturopathic physician and the author of Great Sex, Naturally .
Cruciferous vegetables, acai, mangosteen, and berries . These support liver health, which is also vital to good circulation, says Steelsmith.
Cardamom, garlic, and ginger . “You want to warm your body up, not cool your jets,” says Mars. “Make your food healthy and exciting.”
Maca. This root is associated with stabilizing hormones, says Elyse Clark, a raw vegan chef and educator from Deer Park, New York. She uses maca powder, beets, and Brazil nuts to make raw-food truffles.
Dark chocolate . It contains L-arginine (a vasodilator) and phenylethylamine, which makes you feel happy, Steelsmith says. Skip the chocolate bar, with its added sugar and fat. Instead, buy cocoa powder and add it to your smoothies.
Root vegetables . “Roots are said to energize your lower chakras,” says Mars. Try burdock root, carrots, and beets.
Avoid fatty foods and alcohol , which will make you sluggish, and coffee, which Steelsmith says lowers testosterone in both men and women.
Overall, focus on fresh, unprocessed foods. “When you eat cleaner, you function more optimally,” says Clark. “Even your response to human touch will change—you can get aroused by simpler things. Your body is getting the message more clearly.”
Hungry for more? Click here for recipes to boost your sexual vitality (Maca Brazil Truffles, anyone?)

Health benefits of Asafoetida

This will make effective use of asafetida and molasses call off the gas and Acidity of the compounds to be used correctly, it is the enemy of many diseases. herbalists believe that compounds should always be used roasted.     

A cup Dissolve a teaspoon asafoetida powder in warm water. Cotton cloth soaked in the solution Use a portion of the stomach where it is hurting. In a short time to get relief from pain. 
 - asafoetida on the slightest bit of pain to put together Kapoor stops toothache.  

- roasted asafoetida, pepper, black salt People grind with equal amounts. Quarter teaspoon of the powder drink warm water daily. 

 abolition of all the problems associated with child.   

  - A village asafoetida, brewed ten pepper, ten grams Good morning and evening together, eat in. 
  - Five grams roasted asafoetida, four spoons celery, ten raisins, a little black salt Cmmc three quarters continual grinding taking all false, vomiting, nausea goes well.     
- lump of ginger and a little asafoetida powder, black salt in the hole filling, eating drinking Clay leaves to wrap the thread coated with it. 
 Take it into the fire burn, burn, the size of a grain of grinding peanuts, make bullets. 
 One suck a tablet four times a day. Stomach Problems will ease soon.     
- foot bursts prop by applying neem oil, add the asafoetida.    
 - wrapped in a little hot water to take the molasses asafoetida.  
Gas and Acidity of the stomach will be all right.     
- Teeth Keep the lint in pain relief is opium and asafoetida.    
 - resin coating dissolved in water by putting him get comfortable in skin diseases. 
  Ayurvedic Tips:  
What started the day will remain cold and what young children and the elderly .... cold so that the routine is a bit too impressed! Let us show you some tips which will avoid diseases in winter.   
-Day early honey and black pepper to the mix: Seven pepper grinding grains with a teaspoon of honey needle counterclockwise direction 108 times Rotate the bike ......  
 -The half after mixing with water, chew and swallow warm garlic bud.  
 -Day three to four times a tea made ​​from these materials, take home: -methi a spoon, Kuta is a teaspoon of fresh ginger with maximum seven pepper together, boil two cups of water and a cup of tea on their requirement by making sure the sugar together.  
 - winter bike possible food at regular intervals, but sour, and cold effect Avoid taking the things. Keep your nearest -sigdi or heater, the heat will protect you from the cold.  
 -srir far as possible the whole covered with clothes on.  
 - is the accumulation of mucus in the season, which is a natural process, therefore, accumulated defect equilibrium In order to exercise, vomiting, etc. Actions lie ahead Kunjl diseases in the spring, will save you from the wrath of the cuff.

Eating apples during pregnancy can benefit babies

Women who eat plenty of apples during pregnancy could be protecting their baby from developing asthma, according to research.
The study, conducted by the University of Aberdeen and funded by the charity Asthma UK, also found that eating more fish in pregnancy lowered a child’s risk of developing allergic eczema.

The researchers said they did not know why apples or fish had these benefits as it is difficult to link maternal diet and child health, especially as there are so many other factors affecting asthma and eczema.  They monitored the diets of 2000 women throughout pregnancy, and then looked at their child’s health over 5 years.
The children of women who ate 4 or more apples a week during pregnancy were half as likely to develop asthma as those of women who ate less than one apple a week.  Women who ate a portion or more of fish a week during pregnancy had half a chance of having their child diagnosed with eczema.

Dr Graham Devereux, one of the lead researchers, said, “There may well be another factor in the lifestyles of women who eat lots of apples that is influencing this result. But it is certainly a clear association, and it is certainly less controversial to encourage women to eat more fruit during pregnancy rather than to take extra vitamins.”
Dr Victoria King, Research Development Manager at Asthma UK says, ‘This study suggests a simple modification that can be made to a pregnant mother’s diet which may help protect her child from developing asthma before the age of five. The study supports our advice to pregnant mothers to eat a healthy, balanced diet. One in ten children in the UK has asthma so it is vital to continue funding research that could reduce the incidence of childhood asthma.’

Myths About Pimples

Do you think you already know a lot about acne? Think again as you might be surprised that some of the things you've heard about acne aren't true.

Myth 1- Acne only affects teenagers

Fact- No! Even adults can develop acne for the first time. Teens definitely suffer from the problem more because of puberty.

Myth 2- Acne occurs on dirty face
Fact- Acne is a complex skin disorder that can't be boiled down to simply "dirt." It's likely that the connection between the skin condition and dirt was made because blackheads are, well, black -- but blackheads aren't caused by dirt, either.

Myth 3- Scrubbing hard relieves acne
Fact- Scrubbing acne too hard can actually inflame blackheads. A cleanser with ingredients like benzyl peroxide, salicylic acid and sulphur compounds can help clear the skin.

Myth 4- Acne doesn’t need treatment
Fact- Acne should not be allowed to “run its course”. Various advanced treatments are available to treat acne the initial stage itself then why bother to tolerate the unsightly bumps.

Myth 5- Popping will make cure pimples
Fact- Popping pimples spreads inflammatory gunk into surrounding tissues which can cause scarring. Also if you pop it the wrong way, the bacteria can penetrate deeper into the skin.

Myth 6- Sunscreen can worsen acne
Fact- Picking the right sunscreen is the solution. Chemicals like Helioplex dissipate UV light using a chemical reaction which may cause acne. People prone to acne can use a physical sunscreen like zinc oxide instead.

Myth 7- Makeup aggravates acne
Facts- Some truth lies to this basis. Heavy makeup like thick liquid foundation can clog skin pores. Wear light lose powder foundations like mineral powder if you suffer from acne. Of course, thick foundation cover the pimple better but one needs to compromise.

Myth 8- Acne can be cured
Fact- Not yet! However, it can be treated effectively.

Myth 9- Acne is a cosmetic problem
Fact- It can affect one psychologically too. Acne can produce low self esteem and change the way affected people feel about themselves. Permanent scars can add up to it.

Myth 10- Tanning can clear up skin
Fact- while tan can temporarily mask acne, the sun can dry and irritate the skin leading to more breakouts. Chose a sunscreen that says noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic on the label, meaning it won’t clog pores.

Myth 11- Washing face frequently prevents breakouts
Fact- Washing face can remove dirt and oil from the face, unclogging the pores but getting overboard can make your skin dry and irritated.

Myth 12- Sex can cause acne
Fact- It is an age-old myth. Although the sex hormone testosterone is a major cause of acne, whether or not you engage in any sexual act has no effect on acne and definitely doesn’t cause