Sunday 31 May 2015

10 Foods to Improve Sperm Count and Quality

Getting pregnant is not always as easy as we think it should be.  One common problem is a low sperm count, but the good news is that there are foods that are not only super tasty, but super good for sperm.

Asparagus -
 That little green vegetable that gets so much flack for what it does to the smell of your urine actually has some fantastic powers over sperm.  The ridiculously high amount of Vitamin C prevents sperm from oxidizing, and it protects the cells of the testicles.  Additionally, Vitamin C decreases free radicals so your man’s body can focus on producing sperm instead of fighting off disease.The best part?  Some of these foods are also aphrodisiacs… so if you’ve gotten a little bored with getting it on to get preggo, whip up a menu based on these sexy foods.
Avocado - Summer is the perfect time to pick up some yummy avocados for guacamole… and a hot night at home.  Packed with vitamin E, vitamin B6, and folic acid, avocados boost sperm motility and give it the strength to penetrate an egg.

Bananas - Upon reading that this fruit can help your guy out, we had some giggly flashbacks to Drew Barrymore putting a condom on a banana in Never Been Kissed.  Phallic shape aside, there are some awesome things going on in bananas to help increase sperm count.  Bananas have a rare enzyme in them called Bromelain, which has been shown to regulate sex hormones.  There’s also a good amount of vitamin B1, vitamin A, and vitamin C which will help increase his stamina and boost his body’s ability to make sperm.

Beef - This was a little surprising to us given that doctors are constantly saying to lay off red meat if you want a healthy heart.  Lean beef, though, is a fantastic source of zinc.  A little research on the Dr. Oz site told us that zinc has protective properties that keep free radicals from getting at your man’s little swimmers.  In fact, zinc goes even further to prevent testosterone from converting to estrogen, which is the culprit of a low sex drive.

Dark Chocolate - There’s no sexier food to bring into the bedroom than dark chocolate, but now, it’s not just the seductive taste you’ll want it for.  Dark chocolate contains L-Arginine HCL, an amino acid related to the arginine in walnuts.  It also doubles your guy’s sperm count and semen volume.  Men who eat a little dark chocolate everyday have also noted that they have stronger and more intense orgasms.  BONUS: it does that for you, too.  *wink*

Garlic - Along the same lines as ginseng, garlic possesses the power to increase blood flow.  The chemical allicin not only helps keep plaque from building up in the arteries, it also improves the flow of blood to the genitals and boosts the strength and endurance of the sperm.  Garlic also contains selenium and vitamin B6 to prevent sperm damage and regulate hormones.

Ginseng – Dr. Oz recommends ginseng for guys who are dealing with less than impressive bedroom scenarios, but a little more online research tells us that men in Asia have been supplementing ginseng into their diets for centuries because it improves virility.  In fact, ginseng increases libido, sexual performance, and aids in blood flow to the testicles.  In a study at Southern Illinois University, 45 men with erectile dysfunction were put on a ginseng regimen, and at 16 weeks, 60% of those men reported having stronger erections.
Oysters – The fact that oysters are an aphrodisiac was first presented to me in the form of Sex in the City.  The process of feeding to each other and sucking down the slimy little things really gets people going.  Did you know they also have sperm count increasing benefits?  A good portion of a sperm cell is composed of zinc, which oysters are relatively high in.  Eating oysters can not only increase sperm production but it can aid in the repair of damaged sperm.
Pomegranate - This is the most super of all super foods.  It seems like it can truly cure whatever ails you from the common cold to low sperm count.  Because of the intense cocktail of antioxidants in pomegranates, the juice can lower a chemical in the blood called malondialidehyde.  That chemical destroys sperm, so drinking pomegranate juice is like putting a super hero cape on all those sperm so they can destroy the evil free radicals and get to the egg just in time.
Walnuts - In high school, we were given a comparison between the size of a walnut and a testicle.  Strangely enough, size is not the only link between them.  Walnuts contain arganine, which helps the testicles to increase sperm production and also aids in semen volume increase.  It also contains Omega-3 fatty acids which improve the blood flow to the penis.  These nuts also have twice the antioxidant power over other nuts so they do a great job of protecting the little guys, too.  BONUS: eating 7 walnuts a day lowers cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.

Monday 11 May 2015

Reclaim your Youth after Delivery:The Ideal Gift for all you New Mothers

New motherhood brings joy and surprises, along with sleepless nights and changes in our physique and sex life. Pregnancy can thus take a toll on our bodies, affecting our breasts, tummies, legs and more. After pregnancy, especially multiple pregnancies or unusually large births or twins, women find it difficult to return to their pre pregnancy shape. Pregnancy can cause the stomach skin to stretch beyond natural repair and breast shape and elasticity can also get damaged.

Whether you choose a healthy regimen of diet and exercise, minimally invasive cosmetic treatments, cosmetic procedures or all of the above, you might also consider a Mommy Makeover to get back in shape. The term ‘Mommy Makeover’ has been used to describe the common surgical procedures used to improve the changes that women see with their bodies after pregnancy. The concept has gained popularity over the years among women wanting to achieve their pre pregnancy body shape- and typically involves a Tummy Tuck, Breast Augmentation and/or a Breast Lift.

A combination of all these procedures can often help these mothers achieve the shape and feeling that enhances their feeling of well-being and fitness.

Following pregnancy and breastfeeding, a physiologic event, the breast, the abdomen, possibly the thighs and the vagina undergo changes. As a result the following procedures may be indicated:
Breast Surgery
Body Re contouring / tummy tuck
Vaginoplasty (indicated only in vaginal deliveries as a rule)

Breast Surgeries

Breast augmentation: Breast augmentation is a type of plastic surgery performed to improve the appearance of a woman's bustline. It involves the insertion of breast implants into the breast mounds to add volume and enhance shape.
Breast lift for droopy breasts (May at times require a breast implant for loss of volume).
Breast reduction to reduce large breasts enlarged further post pregnancy and is accompanied by a lift.
Body Contouring

Liposuction: Liposuction is surgery to improve the contour of your body by removing pockets of excess fat from specific areas of the body.

Abdominoplasty:This procedure has many variants like
Mini tummy tuck where in the laxicity is only below the belly button and hence a predetermined portion of skin and fat is removed keeping the scar in the panty line.
With relocation of belly button and tightening of the abdominal wall- this procedure is done when there is laxicity above and below the belly button, looseness of the abdominal wall with protrusion of the abdomen.
Pelvic slide often occurs following pregnancies is also addressed at the time of the abdominoplasty by a pelvic lift.

This procedure helps address the laxicity of the vaginal canal by tightening it after the delivery.

Things to remember about Mummy Makeover

• Cosmetic surgeries are generally not performed with active medical problems or chronic medical problems that are not well controlled.

• Mummy makeovers are not recommended until all of the additions to the family are completed and it makes sense. In the event somebody does get pregnant after mummy make over, it will undo some of the results obtained and may require secondary procedures to fix them.

• Vaginoplasties are generally not required for women who have undergone a C-section for childbirth as it is the natural childbirth through the vaginal canal that makes it lax. Depending on the patients’ needs this laxicity can be addressed.

• Additionally, surgeries are generally not recommended right after the delivery for two reasons: 1. Patients may have the post-partum blues and 2. More importantly the child needs to bond with the mother.

• There is no special age group for these procedures as it is need-based and the need is on the part of the patient. None of the surgeries that are part of the mummy make over are medically required but will make the person feel good about themselves. After all pregnancy, even though may be desired and physiologic in nature, causes a significant alteration of the female body particularly in the breast, body and perhaps vaginal areas.

• Between being a new mother, sleep deprivation, breast feeding and the dysmorphic changes of the body can often be better managed mentally if the patients could visualize the mummy makeover in the future. This is sort of a restorative procedure for women after pregnancy.

• While there is no preferred age group, the benefits can be reaped well if performed early in life. Middle age is not a contraindication for this type of procedures as we live longer, sexual activity will continue beyond the stereotypical period and hence physical desirability and the need for sexual pleasure will drive the engine for mummy makeovers.

• The cycle of cosmetic surgery includes a change of life style, calorie restricted diet and exercise. Post operatively no other regime is as important as this to maintain the results from any body recontouring procedure. The change includes sleep hygiene and a life of moderation.

• Dietary regimes that are most successful are not one of abstinence rather calorie restriction every day. Regular exercise of 30 minutes per day is recommended.

• Intense gym activity, swimming , fondling of the breasts and intercourse is not recommended for about 6-8 weeks to ensure a good result however walking even a brisk one can be initiated after a few days of surgery.